Organization Endpoints

An organization serves as a container for your workspaces. We will discuss workspaces in a separate topic. The Enterprise plan allows you to efficiently manage large teams across multiple workspaces within a single organization. This enables you to group your users and determine which workspaces they can access.

Create an Organization

:warning: CAUTION

You can create multiple organizations. Each organization has its own plan. You cannot share your Plan between multiple organizations.

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -d '{"name":"Your Organization","workspace_name":"Your Workspace"}' \  -X POST

When you create a new organization, you need to specify the organization name and the default workspace name as required in the Toggl Track web app. The user who has created the organization is the default Owner.

Organization ownership can be changed from the Organization Admin Page.

Organization Data

In order to retrieve your organizations data, you can do the following request:

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -X GET

The response will contain the following data:

[  {    "admin": true,    "at": "2021-01-30T09:08:04+00:00",    "created_at": "2021-01-30T09:08:04+00:00",    "id": 1,    "is_multi_workspace": false,    "name": "Your Organization",    "owner": true,    "pricing_plan_id": 1,    "server_deleted_at": ""  },  ...]

Retrieving data for a specific organization:

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -X GET


{    "admin": false,    "at": "2021-03-23T18:11:05.130253Z",    "created_at": "2021-11-01T08:00:00.123458Z",    "id": 1,    "is_chargify": false,    "is_multi_workspace_enabled": true,    "max_workspaces": 20,    "name": "Your Organization",    "owner": false,    "pricing_plan_id": 103,    "server_deleted_at": null,    "suspended_at": null,    "trial_info": {        "last_pricing_plan_id": 100,        "next_payment_date": "2022-03-23T00:00:00Z",        "trial": false,        "trial_available": false,        "trial_end_date": null    },    "user_count": 103}

Add a user to the organization

First, let’s create a new user:

curl -u <email>:<password> \     -H 'content-type: application/json' \     --data-raw '{"created_with": "script", "email": "", "password": "S3cr3t12345.", "tos_accepted": true, "country_id": 102, "workspace": { "initial_pricing_plan": 0 }, "timezone": "Etc/UTC"}' \     -X POST ''



Let’s invite the newly created user to our organization:

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  --data-raw '{"emails": [""], "workspaces": [{"workspace_id": 2, "admin": false}]}' \  -X POST



The invited user should see the invitation among his notifications: (Use the credentials of the newly invited user, not the admin who sent the invitation!)

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -X GET


[    {        "actions": {            "decline": {                "code": "5ae7b4eb146b073457b0b0f1c1fb7ddc",                "type": "reject"            },            "default": "decline",            "join": {                "code": "5ae7b4eb146b073457b0b0f1c1fb7ddc",                "type": "accept"            }        },        "class": 0,        "content": {            "default_message": "Admin invited you to join Your Organization<br /> <button name=\"join\">Join</button> or <button name=\"decline\">Decline</button>",            "id": "Notification.invitation.content",            "values": {                "userName": "Admin",                "workspaceName": "Your Workspace"            }        },        "created_at": "2022-03-30T13:02:40.714139Z",        "id": 1,        "notification_type": "invitation",        "organization_id": null,        "title": {            "default_message": "New invitation",            "id": "Notification.invitation.title",            "values": null        },        "user_id": 2,        "workspace_id": null    }]

The invited user accepts the invitation: (use his credentials, not the admin’s!)

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -X POST ""

The response body is empty, the status 200 OK means that the operation was successful.

Now the invited user is among the users of the organization (works with the credentials of the admin, not those of the user!):

curl -u <email>:<password> \  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \  -X GET


[    {        "admin": false,        "avatar_url": "",        "can_edit_email": false,        "email": "",        "groups": [        ],        "id": 5115086,        "inactive": false,        "invitation_code": null,        "joined": true,        "name": "Test User",        "owner": false,        "user_id": 2,        "workspaces": [            {                "admin": false,                "name": "Your Workspace",                "workspace_id": 2            }        ]    },...]