"Preferences" Endpoints - GET Preferences for the current user


Returns user preferences and alpha features. The list of alpha features contains a full list of feature codes (every feature that exists in database) and the enabled flag specifying if that feature should be enabled or disabled for the user.

  • cURL
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Rust
extern crate tokio;extern crate serde_json;use reqwest::{Client};use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};#[tokio::main]async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {  let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>");  let json = client.request(Method::GET, "https://api.track.toggl.com/api/v9/me/preferences".to_string())  .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")  .send()  .await?  .json()  .await?;    println!("{:#?}", json);  Ok(())}



Name Type Description
activity_timeline_display_activity boolean -
activity_timeline_grouping_interval string -
activity_timeline_grouping_method string -
activity_timeline_recording_level string -
activity_timeline_sync_events boolean -
alpha_features Array of object will be omitted if empty
analyticsAdvancedFilters boolean will be omitted if empty
auto_tracker_delay_enabled boolean -
auto_tracker_delay_in_seconds integer -
automatic_tagging boolean -
autotracking_enabled boolean -
beginningOfWeek integer will be omitted if empty
calendar_snap_duration string -
calendar_snap_initial_location string -
calendar_visible_hours_end integer -
calendar_visible_hours_start integer -
calendar_zoom_level string -
cell_swipe_actions_enabled boolean -
charts_view_type string -
collapseDetailedReportEntries boolean will be omitted if empty
collapseTimeEntries boolean will be omitted if empty
dashboards_view_type string -
date_format string -
decimal_separator string will be omitted if empty
default_project_id integer -
default_task_id integer -
displayDensity string will be omitted if empty
distinctRates string will be omitted if empty
duration_format string -
duration_format_on_timer_duration_field boolean -
edit_popup_integration_timer boolean -
extension_send_error_reports boolean -
extension_send_usage_statistics boolean -
firstSeenBusinessPromo integer will be omitted if empty
focus_app_on_time_entry_started boolean -
focus_app_on_time_entry_stopped boolean -
haptic_feedback_enabled boolean -
hide_keyboard_shortcut boolean will be omitted if empty
idle_detection_enabled boolean -
idle_detection_interval_in_minutes integer -
inactivity_behavior string -
is_goals_view_expanded boolean -
is_goals_view_shown boolean -
is_summary_total_view_visible boolean -
keep_mini_timer_on_top boolean -
keep_window_on_top boolean -
keyboard_increment_timer_page integer -
keyboard_shortcuts_enabled boolean will be omitted if empty
keyboard_shortcuts_share_time_entries boolean -
macos_auto_tracking_rules Array of object -
macos_show_hide_toggl_keyboard_shortcut object -
macos_stop_continue_keyboard_shortcut object -
manualEntryMode string will be omitted if empty
manualMode boolean will be omitted if empty
manualModeOverlaySeen boolean will be omitted if empty
modify_on_start_time_change string -
offlineMode string will be omitted if empty
pg_time_zone_name string -
pomodoro_auto_start_break boolean -
pomodoro_auto_start_focus boolean -
pomodoro_break_interval_in_minutes integer -
pomodoro_break_project_id integer -
pomodoro_break_start_sound_enabled boolean -
pomodoro_break_tag_id integer -
pomodoro_countdown_timer boolean -
pomodoro_enabled boolean -
pomodoro_focus_interval_in_minutes integer -
pomodoro_focus_sound string -
pomodoro_global_sound_enabled boolean -
pomodoro_interval_end_sound boolean -
pomodoro_interval_end_volume integer -
pomodoro_longer_break_duration_in_minutes integer -
pomodoro_prevent_screen_lock boolean -
pomodoro_rounds_before_longer_break integer -
pomodoro_session_start_sound_enabled boolean -
pomodoro_show_notifications boolean -
pomodoro_stop_timer_at_interval_end boolean -
pomodoro_track_breaks_as_time_entries boolean -
projectDashboardActivityMode string will be omitted if empty
project_shortcut_enabled boolean -
record_timeline boolean -
remember_last_project string -
reminder_days string -
reminder_enabled boolean -
reminder_interval_in_minutes integer -
reminder_period string -
reminder_snoozing_in_minutes integer -
reportRounding boolean will be omitted if empty
reportRoundingDirection string will be omitted if empty
reportRoundingStepInMinutes integer will be omitted if empty
reportsHideWeekends boolean will be omitted if empty
run_app_on_startup boolean -
running_entry_warning string -
running_timer_notification_enabled boolean -
seenFollowModal boolean will be omitted if empty
seenFooterPopup boolean will be omitted if empty
seenProjectDashboardOverlay boolean will be omitted if empty
seenTogglButtonModal boolean will be omitted if empty
send_daily_project_invites boolean -
send_product_emails boolean -
send_timer_notifications boolean -
send_weekly_report boolean -
sharing_shortcut_enabled boolean -
showTimeInTitle boolean will be omitted if empty
show_all_entries boolean -
show_changelog boolean -
show_description_in_menu_bar boolean -
show_dock_icon boolean -
show_events_in_calendar boolean -
show_project_in_menu_bar boolean -
show_qr_scanner boolean -
show_seconds_in_menu_bar boolean -
show_timeline_in_day_view boolean will be omitted if empty
show_timer_in_menu_bar boolean -
show_today_total_in_menu_bar boolean -
show_total_billable_hours boolean will be omitted if empty
show_weekend_on_timer_page boolean will be omitted if empty
show_workouts_in_calendar boolean -
sleep_behaviour string -
smart_alerts_option string -
snowballReportRounding string will be omitted if empty
stack_times_on_manual_mode_after string -
start_automatically boolean -
start_shortcut_mode string -
stop_at_specific_time boolean -
stop_automatically boolean -
stop_entry_on_shutdown boolean -
stop_specified_time string -
stopped_timer_notification_enabled boolean -
suggestions_enabled boolean -
summaryReportAmounts string will be omitted if empty
summaryReportDistinctRates boolean will be omitted if empty
summaryReportGrouping string will be omitted if empty
summaryReportSortAsc boolean will be omitted if empty
summaryReportSortField string will be omitted if empty
summaryReportSubGrouping string will be omitted if empty
summary_total_mode string -
tags_shortcut_enabled boolean -
theme string will be omitted if empty
time_entry_display_mode string -
time_entry_ghost_suggestions_enabled boolean -
time_entry_invitations_notification_enabled boolean -
time_entry_start_stop_input_mode string -
timeofday_format string -
timerView string will be omitted if empty
timerViewMobile string will be omitted if empty
toSAcceptNeeded boolean ToSAcceptNeeded represents the trigger for new ToS accept dialog
use_mini_timer boolean -
visibleFooter string will be omitted if empty
webTimeEntryStarted boolean will be omitted if empty
webTimeEntryStopped boolean will be omitted if empty
weeklyReportGrouping string will be omitted if empty
weeklyReportValueToShow string will be omitted if empty
windows_auto_tracking_rules Array of object -
windows_show_hide_toggl_keyboard_shortcut object -
windows_stop_continue_keyboard_shortcut object -
windows_stop_start_keyboard_shortcut object -
windows_theme string -
workout_default_project_id integer -
workout_default_tag_id integer -
Name Type Description
alpha_feature_id integer Feature ID
code string Feature code
deleted_at string Time of deletion, omitted if empty
description string Feature description, omitted if empty
enabled boolean Whether the feature is enabled
Name Type Description
id string -
keyword string -
project_id integer -
task_id integer -
Name Type Description
key integer -
modifiers integer -
Name Type Description
key integer -
modifiers integer -
Name Type Description
billable boolean -
description string -
enabled boolean -
id string -
parameters object -
project_id integer -
skip_when_timer_is_running boolean -
start_without_confirmation boolean -
tag_ids Array of integer -
task_id integer -
type integer -
Name Type Description
duration string -
keyword string -
keyword_mode string -
time_of_day string -
week_days string -
Name Type Description
key integer -
modifiers integer -
Name Type Description
key integer -
modifiers integer -
Name Type Description
key integer -
modifiers integer -


User does not have access to this resource.


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