Access rights and privileges for the user with the project manager role.
The user who creates a project is automatically designated the project manager. A project can have more than just one manager. Project managers can be set and changed on the project edit page. You can read more about assigning this role here.
A project manager can:
Do everything a regular user can do
Add team members to the project they manage.
Edit the project(s) they are the manager of
See all the time that has been tracked under the project(s) they are the manager of
See and edit the project members’ hourly rates (available only if the “Who can see rates” feature in Workspace Settings has been set to “All”)
View the Project Dashboard for projects they manage.
Giving project manager privileges
Open the Projects page and click on the project you want to assign a project manager.
Click on the “Team” tab.
Hover over a User in the role field and click on Give manager rights.
Please note, if your Workspace Settings have “Who can see Billable Rates” set to Admin only, Project Managers cannot see or set Billable Rates.