Find out how you can save reports and schedule them to be sent via email.
The ability to schedule saved reports to be sent via email is available on the Premium plan. See prices and upgrade on your Subscription page.
Scheduling a report to email
How do I schedule a report to be sent via email?
You can schedule any report that you save to be sent via email to recipients within a workspace. The Saved Report will appear in the list as usual, with its own unique URL to be viewed on the web. Additionally, a text version of its contents will be sent to the workspace members you selected as the recipients, at your selected frequency.
How do I set up a saved report to be sent via email?
Create a report on the Reports page
Click the “Save” icon (top-right corner) in the report you’ve generated.
Enable ‘Schedule to email’ from the popup that appears.
Select how frequently you want this report to be sent out (daily, weekly, or monthly)
Select the recipients
Can regular (non-admin) users create scheduled reports to email?
Regular users can only create a report that they can schedule to be sent to themselves, workspace admins can choose recipients from the whole team.
When do saved reports scheduled to email get sent?
Reports are sent based on the frequency you choose.
If the frequency is daily, the email is sent every day, including weekends. This value respects each recipient’s “Timezone” setting.
If the frequency is weekly, the email is sent every Monday. This value respects each recipient’s “Timezone” setting (but not the “First day of week” setting).
If the frequency is monthly, the email is sent on the 1st of each month. This value respects each recipient’s “Timezone” setting.
Viewing scheduled reports
Where can I see saved reports scheduled to email?
When a report has been scheduled, it will be shown on the Saved Reports page. The scheduled reports will be marked with an icon. You can also filter the reports to show only scheduled ones for a quicker overview.
Privacy of scheduled reports to email
What gets shared when scheduled reports are scheduled to email?
A text-only version of the report you scheduled will be sent to each recipient’s email. Each recipient will get the data with the exact same info that they would see if you were to share a link to a saved report with them manually:
If the saved report is private, each person will receive in their email the same info as they would see when they log into Toggl Track.
If you made the report public, all recipients will see all the same information as you in the report you create
The email will also have a direct link to the saved report where the report can be downloaded as a PDF (with charts), XLS, or CSV file.
When the date range is left unlocked, each recipient can browse the dates on the web as they do normally when they open a saved report.
Additional questions about saved reports scheduled to email?
If you still have questions about scheduled reports to email, please contact our Support team by clicking on the purple chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page to start a chat.