Detailed Report Endpoints - POST Load totals detailed report{workspace_id}/search/time_entries/totals

Returns totals sums for detailed report.

  • cURL
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Rust
extern crate tokio;extern crate serde_json;use reqwest::{Client};use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};#[tokio::main]async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {  let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>");  let json = client.request(Method::POST, "{workspace_id}/search/time_entries/totals".to_string()).json(&serde_json::json!(\{"billable":"boolean","client_ids":[\{\}],"description":"string","end_date":"string","granularity":"string","group_ids":[\{\}],"grouped":"boolean","max_duration_seconds":"integer","min_duration_seconds":"integer","project_ids":[\{\}],"resolution":"string","rounding":"integer","rounding_minutes":"integer","startTime":"string","start_date":"string","tag_ids":[\{\}],"task_ids":[\{\}],"time_entry_ids":[\{\}],"user_ids":[\{\}],"withInlineRates":"boolean","with_graph":"boolean"\}))  .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")  .send()  .await?  .json()  .await?;    println!("{:#?}", json);  Ok(())}



name type required description
workspace_id integer true Workspace ID


Name Type Description
billable boolean Whether the time entry is set as billable, optional, premium feature.
client_ids Array of integer Client IDs, optional, filtering attribute. To filter records with no clients, use [null].
description string Description, optional, filtering attribute.
end_date string End date, example time.DateOnly. Should be greater than Start date.
granularity string Totals granularity, optional, overrides resolution values. Possible values: day, week and month.
group_ids Array of integer Group IDs, optional, filtering attribute.
grouped boolean Whether time entries should be grouped, optional, default false.
max_duration_seconds integer Max duration seconds, optional, filtering attribute. Time Audit only, should be greater than MinDurationSeconds.
min_duration_seconds integer Min duration seconds, optional, filtering attribute. Time Audit only, should be less than MaxDurationSeconds.
project_ids Array of integer Project IDs, optional, filtering attribute. To filter records with no projects, use [null].
resolution string Graph resolution, optional. Allow clients to explicitly request a resolution.
rounding integer Whether time should be rounded, optional, default from user preferences.
rounding_minutes integer Rounding minutes value, optional, default from user preferences. Should be 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 30, 60 or 240.
startTime string -
start_date string Start date, example time.DateOnly. Should be less than End date.
tag_ids Array of integer Tag IDs, optional, filtering attribute. To filter records with no tags, use [null].
task_ids Array of integer Task IDs, optional, filtering attribute. To filter records with no tasks, use [null].
time_entry_ids Array of integer Time entry IDs, optional.
user_ids Array of integer User IDs, optional, filtering attribute.
withInlineRates boolean Whether results should be returned in line, optional, default false.
with_graph boolean Whether Graph information should be loaded, optional, default false.



Returns totals values sums for detailed report


Possible error messages:

  • At least one parameter must be set
  • Invalid workspace id
  • Invalid ‘{parameter}’ value, allowed values are: ‘{valid_values}’


Workspace needs to have this feature enabled


Workspace not found/accessible


Internal Server Error