Pomodoro syncing with Normal time tracking

On the Toggl app on my phone when I start a Pomodoro session, the time tracking syncs with my normal time tracker (non Pomodoro). Reverse is true, starting a Pomo with the desktop app, shows the normal tracker time running on my phone.

This isn’t how it worked before. Any idea how to fix this?

Android phone, Toggl version 7.8.1 (52251128)
Win 11: Toggl app 10.8.0 (64bit)

I’m on the free account.

Hi John! Pomodoro sessions are logged in Toggl as normal time entries; they are “managed” within the app you started the session as a pomodoro session (ie, if you start a pomodoro session in the Android app, it is recommended you keep managing your session in the app to take advantage of the pomodoro session alerts/timer lengths/etc). Therefore, if you start a pomodoro session in the Android app, but close the app mid-session and open the webapp (as an example), the timer will continue running as the session is no longer being managed through the app.

The same is true when using Toggl between desktop and mobile apps: pomodoro functions/settings are app-exclusive, so even if you start a session on one app, opening another app that has pomodoro enabled won’t share the fact it’s a pomodoro session.

Thanks Jake. I don’t know why I perceived that it was syncing pomo to pomo before. I really thought that’s how it was working. Anyway thanks for your answer.

Sure thing :slight_smile: I’ll also be sure to share this as feedback with the team!