Returns workspaces data containing the search term
- cURL
- Go
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Python
- Rust
extern crate tokio;extern crate serde_json;use reqwest::{Client};use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};#[tokio::main]async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> { let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>"); let json = client.request(Method::GET, "".to_string()) .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .send() .await? .json() .await?; println!("{:#?}", json); Ok(())}
Name | Type | Description |
items | Array of object | - |
Name | Type | Description |
admin | boolean | Current user is workspace admin Deprecated |
api_token | string | deprecated |
at | string | Timestamp of last workspace change |
business_ws | boolean | Workspace on Premium subscription |
default_currency | string | Default currency, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be ‘USD’ initially |
default_hourly_rate | number | The default hourly rate, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 0.0 initially |
hide_start_end_times | boolean | - |
ical_enabled | boolean | Calendar integration enabled |
ical_url | string | URL of calendar |
id | integer | Identifier of the workspace |
last_modified | string | Last modification of data in the workspace |
limit_public_project_data | boolean | Limit public projects data in reports to admins. |
logo_url | string | URL of workspace logo |
name | string | Name of the workspace |
only_admins_may_create_projects | boolean | Only admins will be able to create projects, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
only_admins_may_create_tags | boolean | Only admins will be able to create tags, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
only_admins_see_billable_rates | boolean | Whether only admins will be able to see billable rates, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be false initially |
only_admins_see_team_dashboard | boolean | Only admins will be able to see the team dashboard, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
organization_id | integer | Identifier of the organization |
premium | boolean | Workspace on Starter subscription |
profile | integer | deprecated |
projects_billable_by_default | boolean | New projects billable by default |
projects_enforce_billable | boolean | Whether tracking time to projects will enforce billable setting to be respected. |
projects_private_by_default | boolean | Workspace setting for default project visbility. |
rate_last_updated | string | Timestamp of last workspace rate update |
reports_collapse | boolean | Whether reports should be collapsed by default, optional, only for existing WS, will be true initially |
role | string | Role of the current user in the workspace |
rounding | integer | Default rounding, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. 0 - nearest, 1 - round up, -1 - round down |
rounding_minutes | integer | Default rounding in minutes, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS |
suspended_at | string | Timestamp of suspension |
working_hours_in_minutes | integer | Working hours in minutes |
No search term