"Workspaces" Endpoints - POST Create a new workspace


Create a workspace within an existing organization.

  • cURL
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Rust
extern crate tokio;extern crate serde_json;use reqwest::{Client};use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};#[tokio::main]async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {  let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>");  let json = client.request(Method::POST, "https://api.track.toggl.com/api/v9/organizations/{organization_id}/workspaces".to_string()).json(&serde_json::json!(\{"admins":[\{\}],"default_currency":"string","default_hourly_rate":"number","initial_pricing_plan":"integer","limit_public_project_data":"boolean","name":"string","only_admins_may_create_projects":"boolean","only_admins_may_create_tags":"boolean","only_admins_see_billable_rates":"boolean","only_admins_see_team_dashboard":"boolean","projects_billable_by_default":"boolean","projects_enforce_billable":"boolean","projects_private_by_default":"boolean","rate_change_mode":"string","reports_collapse":"boolean","rounding":"integer","rounding_minutes":"integer"\}))  .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")  .send()  .await?  .json()  .await?;    println!("{:#?}", json);  Ok(())}



name type required description
organization_id integer true Numeric ID of the organization


Name Type Description
admins Array of integer List of admins, optional
default_currency string Default currency, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be ‘USD’ initially
default_hourly_rate number The default hourly rate, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 0.0 initially
initial_pricing_plan integer The subscription plan for the workspace, deprecated
limit_public_project_data boolean Whether the workspace limits public projects data in reports to admins.
name string Workspace name
only_admins_may_create_projects boolean Only admins will be able to create projects, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
only_admins_may_create_tags boolean Only admins will be able to create tags, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
only_admins_see_billable_rates boolean Whether only admins will be able to see billable rates, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be false initially
only_admins_see_team_dashboard boolean Only admins will be able to see the team dashboard, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
projects_billable_by_default boolean Whether projects will be set as billable by default, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be true initially
projects_enforce_billable boolean Whether tracking time to projects will enforce billable setting to be respected.
projects_private_by_default boolean Whether projects will be set to private by default, optional. Will be true initially.
rate_change_mode string The rate change mode, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Can be “start-today”, “override-current”, “override-all”
reports_collapse boolean Whether reports should be collapsed by default, optional, only for existing WS, will be true initially
rounding integer Default rounding, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS
rounding_minutes integer Default rounding in minutes, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS



Name Type Description
admin boolean Current user is workspace admin Deprecated
api_token string deprecated
at string Timestamp of last workspace change
business_ws boolean Workspace on Premium subscription
csv_upload object CSV upload data
default_currency string Default currency, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be ‘USD’ initially
default_hourly_rate number The default hourly rate, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 0.0 initially
hide_start_end_times boolean -
ical_enabled boolean Calendar integration enabled
ical_url string URL of calendar
id integer Identifier of the workspace
last_modified string Last modification of data in the workspace
limit_public_project_data boolean Limit public projects data in reports to admins.
logo_url string URL of workspace logo
max_data_retention_days integer How far back free workspaces can access data.
name string Name of the workspace
only_admins_may_create_projects boolean Only admins will be able to create projects, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
only_admins_may_create_tags boolean Only admins will be able to create tags, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
only_admins_see_billable_rates boolean Whether only admins will be able to see billable rates, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. Will be false initially
only_admins_see_team_dashboard boolean Only admins will be able to see the team dashboard, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially
organization_id integer Identifier of the organization
permissions string Permissions list
premium boolean Workspace on Starter subscription
profile integer deprecated
projects_billable_by_default boolean New projects billable by default
projects_enforce_billable boolean Whether tracking time to projects will enforce billable setting to be respected.
projects_private_by_default boolean Workspace setting for default project visbility.
rate_last_updated string Timestamp of last workspace rate update
reports_collapse boolean Whether reports should be collapsed by default, optional, only for existing WS, will be true initially
role string Role of the current user in the workspace
rounding integer Default rounding, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. 0 - nearest, 1 - round up, -1 - round down
rounding_minutes integer Default rounding in minutes, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS
subscription object deprecated
suspended_at string Timestamp of suspension
te_constraints object Time entry constraints setting
working_hours_in_minutes integer Working hours in minutes
Name Type Description
at string -
log_id integer -
Name Type Description
auto_renew boolean -
card_details object -
company_id integer -
contact_detail object -
created_at string -
currency string -
customer_id integer -
deleted_at string -
last_pricing_plan_id integer -
organization_id integer -
payment_details object -
pricing_plan_id integer -
renewal_at string -
subscription_id integer -
subscription_period object -
workspace_id integer -
Name Type Description
added_at string -
card_number string -
card_type string -
creator_id integer -
creator_name string -
expiry_date string -
holder_name string -
Name Type Description
company_address string -
company_city string -
company_name string -
contact_detail_id integer -
contact_email string -
contact_person string -
country_id integer -
country_subdivision_id integer -
created_at string -
customer_id integer -
is_eu_resident boolean -
updated_at string -
user_id integer -
vat_number string -
vat_number_valid boolean DEPRECATED
vat_number_validated_at string DEPRECATED
zip_code string -
Name Type Description
created_at string -
currency string -
customer_id integer -
payment_type string -
reference string -
user_id integer -
Name Type Description
created_at string -
finished_on string -
started_on string -
subscription_id integer -
subscription_period_id integer -
trial boolean -
user_count integer -
Name Type Description
description_present boolean -
project_present boolean -
tag_present boolean -
task_present boolean -
time_entry_constraints_enabled boolean -


Possible errors:

  • JSON is not valid
  • workspace name must contain non-space characters
  • workspace name must not be nil
  • workspace name must not be longer than 140
  • another workspace with same name exists in organization
  • user can have a maximum of 100 workspaces
  • Multiple workspaces are not enabled in this organization.
  • Organization {name} can have a maximum of {amount} workspaces
  • User with id {id} does not exist.
  • User {userID} not exists in the workspace.


Possible errors:

  • Must be a premium user to use default_hourly_rate
  • restricting tag management to administrators requires a premium subscription
  • Must be a premium user to use default_currency
  • Must be a premium user to use rounding_minutes
  • Must be a premium user to use only_admins_see_billable_rates
  • Must be a premium user to use projects_billable_by_default
  • Must be a premium user to use rounding




Possible errors:

  • Organization not found/accessible
  • Workspace not found/accessible
  • organization owner not found