Latest Mac Desktop version not loading previous time entries

Post Title: Previous time entries are not loaded in latest mac desktop version.

Your Question/Topic: I was on an older version of the Toggl Track MacOS desktop app. I received a message to upgrade it.
After upgrading the list view does not show me previous time entries and at the top of the app it reads “Loading…”.
The calendar view does show me previous time entries.
I’ve restarted restarted the app, restarted my Macbook and uninstalled and installed the app again. Nothing works.

Macbook Pro - M2 Pro (2023)
Running OSX Sonoma 14.4

Hi Paul,

Thanks for taking the time to go through all those troubleshooting steps! I really appreciate it. :toggl-heart: I’ll report this to the team so they can take a closer look. In the meantime, using the calendar view as a temporary workaround might help while we investigate. :toggl-cheers:

Thanks for your patience!

Hello Paul, :wave:
I’m back with an update! It looks like you were using a really old version of the app, which might have been the issue.

Before making any changes, could you first check if you can see your time entries on the timer page or in reports in the web app? We want to make sure you don’t lose any entries in case the app wasn’t syncing properly.

If everything looks good there, then we can proceed with clearing the old app data and reinstalling the latest version. Here’s how:

  1. Delete the app data folder located at:
    ~/Library/Group Containers/
  2. Uninstall the app.
  3. Reinstall the latest version of the app.

Please let me know if that works! :pray:

Hi Marie,

Thank you for taking the effort.
Actually, the solution you provided wasn’t necessary.

I had the app open for I don’t know how long (6 hours at least) and then it suddenly started working when I checked it the next day. The fact that it said “Loading” at the top of the app for the longest of time makes me think that is was trying to sync with all the time entries which go back to May 2015 in my case. I don’t know.

The important thing is that it’s working now and I continue being a happy user.

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Hi Paul,

Thanks for the update! :toggl-heart: I’m really happy to hear that everything is working now—gotta love the simplicity of the “just wait and see” fix. It’s actually my second favorite support advice, right after “turn it off and on again”. :sweat_smile: :speak_no_evil:

Wow! That’s some serious time-tracking history you’ve got there—since 2015! Impressive! :toggl-muscle:

Anyway, I’m happy to be here as a moral support rep whenever you need to wait for an issue to fix itself. Just let me know! :toggl-rocket: