Opening a Gmail message starts a new Toggl Track entry? RESOLVED

Within the last hour, when I open a Gmail message in my browser, Toggl stops the current time entry and starts a new time entry autofilled with the Subject line of that email. This could be a useful feature when I’m in email mode, but I need to know 1) how it got switched on, because I haven’t done so consciously, and 2) how to turn it off, because it’s interrupting my work flow. Thanks!

UPDATE: I should have asked Chronos first. The new Auto Track setting for Gmail was automatically selected in my Chrome Toggle Track (formerly Toggl Button) settings. Unchecking it solved the problem.

The follow was Chronos’ response:

It sounds like you have our browser extension installed with Auto Tracker enabled for Gmail. This feature automatically starts time entries when you visit certain websites. To turn it off:

  1. Open the Toggl Track browser extension settings

  2. Go to the Integrations section

  3. Find the Gmail integration and uncheck the “Auto track” box

If you want to keep auto-tracking for other sites but not Gmail, you can adjust these settings individually for each integration.