Having difficulties with managing the auto-tracking mode (Windows)

Dear community members:

I’ve encountered some problems when I try to manage the auto-tracking mode. I accidentally set two identical links to one app, which made the tracker frequently jump between the two entries.

I want to delete one of the two auto-tracking rules, but I couldn’t find the relevant setting anywhere. (I can only find instructions to create auto-tracking rules in the Preference-Autotracker page, but I couldn’t find a way to delete them.)

(I use the windows version.)

Thanks for viewing the question. Looking forward to any possible solutions.

Hello! Normally the AutoTracker tab within the app’s Settings panel should be the place for you to manage your triggers. If I understand correctly, you’ve already been in there and no duplicate rules exist there?

Yep. I mistakenly pasted the wrong page. Here is the page that I am talking about.

And that I haven’t find the access to manage the triggers. (only to create but not to delete)

Thanks for that! If you scroll down the triggers should be listed!