“Projects” Endpoints GET Workspace Projects


Get projects for given workspace.

  • cURL
  • Go
  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Rust
extern crate tokio;extern crate serde_json;use reqwest::{Client};use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};#[tokio::main]async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {  let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>");  let json = client.request(Method::GET, "https://api.track.toggl.com/api/v9/workspaces/{workspace_id}/projects".to_string())  .header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")  .send()  .await?  .json()  .await?;    println!("{:#?}", json);  Ok(())}



name type required description
workspace_id integer true Numeric ID of the workspace


name type required description
sort_pinned boolean true Place pinned projects at top of response


name type required description
active boolean false Return active or inactive project. You can pass ‘both’ to get both active and inactive projects.
since integer false Retrieve projects created/modified/deleted since this date using UNIX timestamp.
billable boolean false billable
user_ids array false user_ids
client_ids array false client_ids
group_ids array false group_ids
statuses array false statuses
name string true name
page integer true page
sort_field string true sort_field
sort_order string true sort_order
only_templates boolean true only_templates
only_me boolean false get only projects assigned to the current user
per_page integer false Number of items per page, default 151. Cannot exceed 200.



Name Type Description
items Array of object -
Name Type Description
active boolean Whether the project is active or archived
actual_hours integer null
actual_seconds integer null
at string Last updated date
auto_estimates boolean null
billable boolean null
can_track_time boolean -
cid integer Client ID legacy field
client_id integer null
color string Color
created_at string Creation date
currency string null
current_period object Current project period, premium feature
end_date string End date
estimated_hours integer null
estimated_seconds integer null
fixed_fee number Fixed fee, premium feature
id integer Project ID
integration_ext_id string The external ID of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce)
integration_ext_type string The external type of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce)
integration_provider string The provider (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) that has an entity linked to this Toggl Track entity
is_private boolean Whether the project is private
is_shared boolean Shared Project
name string Name
permissions string -
pinned boolean -
rate number Hourly rate
rate_last_updated string null
recurring boolean Whether the project is recurring, premium feature
recurring_parameters Array of object Project recurring parameters, premium feature
shared_at string -
shared_hash string -
start_date string Start date
status string Status of the project (upcoming, active, ended, archived, deleted)
tasks_count integer -
template boolean null
template_id integer null
wid integer Workspace ID legacy field
workspace_id integer Workspace ID
Name Type Description
end_date string -
start_date string -
Name Type Description
custom_period integer Custom period, used when “period” field is “custom”
estimated_seconds integer Estimated seconds
parameter_end_date string null
parameter_start_date string Recurring start date
period string Period
project_start_date string Project start date


User does not have access to this resource.


Internal Server Error