Truly disable autoupdates

Post Title: Truly disable autoupdates

Your Question/Topic: Is there a way to truly disable auto updates? I have autoupdates disabled and my dekstop app still updates itself. I was just fine using previous versions :confused: are you using the Track desktop app for Windows or iOS?

I’m using it for Windows Thanks for confirming! I’m afraid that there is no way to prevent/disable automated updates with our recent app versions natively through the app. I’ll share this with the team as a feature request :white_check_mark:

topicstarter is asking this specifically because of last update’s mini timer view.
So the true issue is to be able to choose it’s view, or be able to roll back
it’s not nessesarily about the whole app rollback, but specifically mini timer view

I mean, the issue became apparent when I couldn’t rollback to get the previous minitimer. Forced auto updates it’s still an issue.