Unable to pin tasks anymore


I use tasks intensively to detail my activities in projects. I used to favorites them to have easy access to track them.

For a few days, the detail of tasks have disappeared from the bar and have been replaced by the projects to which they belong. If I click on one of these favorites, Toggl starts the timer for the project and no longer for the task. I tried to favorite an activity that includes a task, but now it is only the project that is pinned.

Is this a new behaviour (which would be very annoying) or a bug?


Hi :wave:

I was not able to reproduce the issue on our end. Are you using the web app, or one of our native apps (desktop/mobile)?

Hi, Iā€™m using the web app and tried different browsers and devices.
As you can see all the detailed tasks has been replaced by the parent project name:

Thanks @Fred the team is looking into this now

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Hi, it seems OK today.
Did you make some change?

Hi Fred! Yes, we rolled out a fix over the holidays!

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