Using Projects

How to create a project from the Projects page and from the Timer page

What are projects for?

Projects (and clients) are key for organizing time entries in Toggl Track. By assigning your time entries to projects (and then to clients), you can easily make reports and look over your time-tracking data in your workspace.

How can I create a project?

There are two ways you can create a project. You can create projects using the “Projects” page via the Toggl Track web app or on the fly while creating a Time Entry

Connecting Projects and Clients

In Toggl Track, a Client can have many Projects, but each Project can only have one Client.

So, if you don’t typically work on an assignment/project basis, but want to keep track of the services that you provide, consider entering your clients’ names as Projects.

Still have questions or helpful tips for others? Feel free to post in the comments below :slight_smile: